Luna’s Audio Diaries – Entry #16
[Begin Transcript]
Luna: “Why does nobody know *jive!? I swear, there isn’t a single damn human that knows more than two words! I just—I don’t get it, they’re the whole reason jive was created!”
(a hollow metallic sound can be heard, akin to an empty can being thrown at a wall)
Luna: (Sigh) This wasn’t a problem before—with my family. But now…
Luna: ...Maybe I can find some loose parts or something. Might be able to rig together a translator.
(rustling metal can be heard)
Luna: Hm… This piece kinda looks like a rat.
[End Transcript]
*Jive – A form of sign language developed by the syreni people to communicate with those who can’t hear at the frequency they speak.
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